Week 27 Challenge – In Which I Bullet List What Happened Between Week 18 & Now

Week 27 of the Rocket City Bloggers Year Long Blogging Challenge and I have been the fail. School started, stuff happened and I have forgotten to write.

Question: What is your pet peeve?

Answer: Right now it’s me. One who can’t finish what she started. Story of my life. Though in all honesty, I have so many pet peeves that I’m peeved I can’t think of one at the moment.

Let me distract you with one of my famous bullet lists! Here’s a peek at what I’ve been up to for the past 9 weeks:

  • Took week off and completed home improvement project. Including Pinterest-found installation (which I will blog about).
  • With oldest son in public school,morning routine has been redesigned and condensed down to 30 minutes.

    Nice me


  • Oldest son started playing soccer.
  • Youngest son started getting up at 5 am every morning.
  • Celebrated 9-year wedding anniversary.
  • Took our first family camping trip.
  • Worked, worked and more work to do.
  • Met and agreed to get a new cat. News to everyone but me, because I knew as soon as I met him that he was mine!

    ireland 005

    The cat!

  • Worked on coming to terms with turning 40.
  • Made an appointment to get new tattoos.
  • Consumed massive amounts of candy corn.
  • Sadness in death of an acquaintance. A wonderful person gone too soon.
  • Lots of feels for lots of different reasons….it’s been a long couple of months!

There. In 200 words I’ve admitted failure, distracted you with magic dots and deceptively rejoined the challenge game. Thank you for your time.

Week 18 Challenge – Futuristic Stuff

It is now week 18 of the Rocket City Bloggers Year Long Blogging Challenge and I conveniently missed last week because the topic was hard. I’ll do my best now to answer them both.

17 Question: What are three things you think will be obsolete in 10 years?

  1. Remote controls, because eventually there will be an app for that.
  2. Land line phones. Or, probably more accurately, plugging any electronic device into a wall port.
  3. Store cash registers and cash wraps. Employees will all have tablets with built-in card swipers. Centrally located bags and some sort of cash box for customers who pay with cash will have to be availalbe, but there won’t be the big cash wraps that we are used to now. The use of checks will be LOL.


18 Question: When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it?

Answer part 1: Why, just today I did something for the very first time!

Answer part 2: It was using someone’s touchscreen laptop with Windows 8. I almost put something up above about keyboards and Windows, but I’m not sure how all of that will eventually evolve. I thought the laptop was pretty sweet and obviously I think touchscreens are the way to go.

As for Windows 8, this was my first experience with it and I would need way more time to play around. I did like the ease of use with some of the applications (I was setting some things up for a friend), but other parts just felt awkward. Honestly, if I didn’t have a Kindle Fire already, I wouldn’t have figured things out as fast as I did, since my only other experience with touchscreens and apps has been solely from my iPhone.

Week 16 Challenge – Would you like to make that a combo?

It’s Week 16 of the Rocket City Bloggers Year Long Blogging Challenge.

Question: What was your first job?

Answer: Hardee’s.

Doesn’t that sound glamorous and not at all clichéd? I started working at Hardee’s a few months after I turned 16 for the just-ever-so-slightly-over minimum wage of $3.45/hour. I really did enjoy my job, even though I probably acted like I didn’t at the time. I did then and still do value my independence.

Things I remember about my first job:

  • Regulars who tipped me. Yes, at Hardee’s. But I earned it, because I would see them pull up in the parking lot and have their order on a tray when they walked in the door.
  • The guy who cleaned the floors at night used to come in early and drink coffee, smoke, read and write in a notebook. He died rather tragically during my time there.
  • Flirting with the President brothers – Taft and Carter.
  • Working in the old store in the beginning and wearing the dark brown polyester uniform that zipped up the front. I had a special pair of black work sneakers too and they reeked of grease.
  • There was an older lady that made biscuits named Alpha. I always thought that was the coolest name.
  • Getting in trouble for hanging out in the parking lot after work so I could talk to a guy that worked across the street at Wal-Mart. He would usually wait on me in the parking lot and then we would talk for hours after.
  • I burned my hand when I sloshed hot coffee grounds on it. I left work early, and drove by the house of a guy I liked. At that very minute he was walking across the street and we thought it was some kind of cosmic destiny that we ran into each other like that.
  • People smoking inside. We had those gold Hardee’s tin ash trays.
  • I loved working the drive through register. Observing folk in their cars early in the morning was an awesome study in human nature.

Note from your author: Upon re-reading this, it appears I was boy crazy. I kinda was. Remember, we’re talking 16 year old girl here. Hello!