Who Knew There Were 2 Scary Library Ladies

Last Saturday, I took my oldest son RJ to see Monsters University. It was just the two of us, getting out of the house on a rainy day.

In the car on the way, my son was saying he was scared and didn’t want to see the movie, citing a particular scene with a scary library lady. Having not really paid that much attention to the Monsters U previews, I said he must be thinking of something else. In fact, I assumed he was thinking of Ghostbusters. The way he described the scene made me absolutely POSITIVE that he was talking about Ghostbusters. So much so, that I even figured he’d recently watched it at my mother’s house when he stayed over the weekend before.

Well….at the appropriate time in the movie, I saw the scary library monster scene and boy did that make me feel old. Since I couldn’t remember off the top of my head, a quick search says that Ghostbusters came out in 1984. Yep, almost 20 years ago. Old momma is old.

But in my defense, it was an honest assumption. See:

MU Library monsterGB Library lady

Rockin’ It

My very second post ever was about Rock of Ages. You can read it here if you’d like.

You see, I have been kind of obsessed with RoA off and on since seeing it on Broadway in December of 2010. It’s because of that obsession that I can’t wait to see it even one minute longer than I have to and will thus be sitting in the theater tonight at 12:01 am watching the big screen adaptation. I love it that hard!


I can’t wait. I’m pretty much a squirming, squeeeing mess! Watch for my review later this weekend.